Why You Should Hire a Virtual Design Assistant
Lets face it, interior designers are busy people! I know many of you who work late into the night many nights of the week. Your clients text you at all hours. You need to be here, there, and everywhere today! Wears me out just thinking about it. This is how I fell into the niche market of becoming a virtual design assistant. I am good at taking things off your plate. Being an interior designer myself, I understand your needs. Most designers dislike, or don’t have enough time for all the technical work that can go into a design. That’s why I’m here!
The saying is true, time is money. It is the end-all be-all of a successful business. And managing this time appropriately is a necessity for your business. You have to learn to let go of some aspects of your business. Every business coach I know will tell you the same thing. You probably already have an accountant to take that off your plate. Freeing up a lot of hours every month for you. A virtual design assistant is the same concept.
Not everyone is great at all the new technology that’s out there. As a virtual design assistant, we have to know all the latest and greatest technology. We stay up to date with it all during our non-billable hours. In the same way you stay up to date with the latest design trends. It’s our CEU’s.
The World is Going Digital
Everything is done online now. Whether you like it or not, this can have it’s benefits. You are not stuck looking for help locally anymore. There’s a whole world of talented people out there that know the design industry and prefer to help you virtually. I moved away from my former favorite boss and was sad to not have the chance to work with her anymore. A few years later she was looking for a CAD assistant. We suddenly realized “why can’t we do this virtually?” I know her business and we work so well together. So now I’m back helping her out. This new digital world opens you up to global help and not just your local sources. It’s a wonderful thing!
No Need to Have an Employee
This is probably the best part. Hiring an employee can be costly and scary. The day to day of our industry ebbs and flows. Some weeks we are crazier than others. This can leave you having an employee with no work to do this week. A virtual design assistant only works for you when there’s work to be done. And best of all, you pay them like you pay any trades person you hire. Simple.
If you need a quote for a specific project or would like to discuss how we can work together, please send me an email at info@hawkinsdesigncollective.com